Review: Torchwood – The Office Of Never Was

Review by Doctor Squee (Host of Gallifrey Stands Podcast)

Series producer James Goss steps in again for the writing duties and Scott Handcock is directing this new Ianto Jones (Gareth David-Lloyd) led adventure.
Ianto is sent to check out an abandoned office where there has been rumours of strange goings on. To begin with he doesn’t see there is much to report and he can get home on a Friday night. That is until the building starts talking to him, whispering his name and he finds himself trapped within. Can Ianto escape and what is the real story behind this building? When it is found out, it might just be the strangest thing yet.

To begin with I though this was going to be; as it starts to be, a similar story to ‘Fall to Earth’. That was the second audio Torchwood by Big Finish and the first one I listened to. Also written by James Goss it really showed just how good & inventive Torchwood could still be with only one of the cast members from the original team. This story went it’s own way and is in fact a lot darker than ‘Fall’ but it does the same job of showing you how much a great writer can get from only three characters; only one of which you already know and love.

Ianto really shines in this story and Gareth David-Lloyd gets to play him with a range I think was only started in the TV show. Ianto is really funny here, he gets to be a bit of a hero and to explore what happens when he doesn’t know the right thing to do.

We are then introduced to a character simply known as ‘Girl’ played by Bethan Rose Young, who plays a really troubled girl who clearly knows more than she is letting on and later David Shields as Oliver who has an axe to grind for reasons I can’t say without spoiling the plot. These two do a great job and are a perfect catalyst for both Ianto and David-Lloyd. The cast feed off each other really well, a credit to them and one of my favourite directors in Big Finish at the moment Scott Handcock. I don’t know if he is directing more adventure at the moment or I’ve just noticed his name keeps coming up in some of the best adventures.

James Goss gives us a great story in the extras about where the idea for this adventure came from that listeners should be warned may have you imagining Gareth David-Lloyd dressed as Diana Rigg!

I give this 10/10.

Download it or buy it on CD today here

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