Review: BATSH*T BRIDE (2020)

BATSH*T BRIDE is a new comedy from writer/director Jonathan Smith and stars Meghan Falcone, Josh Covitt, Jonny Svarzbein, Alicia Giangrisostomi, Shaina Vorspan, Kayla Conroy and Patrick Collins.

On April Fools’ Day, just before her wedding, a bride pranks her fiancé by saying that she thinks that they’ve lost that spark and that they should call off the wedding and break up, only to discover that he feels the exact same way.

Here comes another bright and breezy ‘Bridezilla’ comedy (think ‘Bridesmaids’). The film’s premise is fun if predictable and it manages to be genuinely funny; thanks in large part to the writing and Meghan Falcone’s larger than life performance as Bridezilla-to-be (or is she….) Heather and a reasonable supporting cast.

For a low-budget comedy the film is fairly well executed and delivers for what it is; a breezy and fun wedding comedy, whilst not breaking much new ground it is an entertaining watch and fun way to pass some time.


The film is available to watch now on Amazon.

Visit for more info.

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